Designed and created by French jeweler, Cynthia Nge. The Pohutukawa and Kowhai necklace features a hand-carved leaf created from a vintage Mother of Pearl French gaming coin found in a local French flea market, paired with a patina'd sterling silver Kowhai plant.
Pohutukawa - often reffered to as the "New Zealand Christmas Tree" or "The Iron Tree", is a coastal evergreen tree renowned for its vibrant colors and ability to survive treacherous environments as it is commonly found living on coastal cliff sides.
Kowhai: a small legume tree native to New Zealand.
Total length of the necklace is 13" .
Pohutukawa MOP with Kowhai Necklace- Cynthia Nge
Originally from New Zealand, Cynthia Nge lives and works in Marseille, France.
Her handcrafted jewelry is understated and timeless, and challenges the notion that jewelry should be glitzy and flamboyant. New ideas and techniques are introduced in a regular basis, producing an eclectic and perpetual line that often utilizes movement.
Her love of antiques and nature resonates in each piece. Her Franch flea market finds including, antique buttons, mother-of-pearl coins, engraved knives and vintage steel stamps often become part of her jewelry.