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Roses Among the Vines - Joe Mancuso

"Roses Among the Vines" is a pastel painting by Torrance, CA based artist, Joe Mancuso. This painting was created during Colibri Gallery's 2nd Annual Plein Air Paint Out and won third place! Featuring the lush green vines of local winery Clos LaChance, Mancuso masterfully captures the light of the sun coming through fog on a Sunday October morning. Magnificent white roses gleam in the sunlight along with the chartreuse leaves surrounding the flowers. 

Framed: 16.75" x 19.63" 
Unframed: 11" x 14"


Framing includes a black matte border with an ornate gold fillet with museum glass, all included in the price. 

Roses Among the Vines - Joe Mancuso

  • Joe Mancuso is a plein air pastellist based in Torrance, CA. Mancuso is well known for the light in his paintings. His paintings are deeply influenced by the environment, especially seasonal changes and climactic weather.  Mancuso creates his breathtaking paintings on location and though he may respond to a certain place or scene, his goal is to always make capturing the light his focal point.  
    Joe participated in Colibri Gallery’s 2nd Annual Morgan Hill Plein Air Paint Out, where he won third place for his painting, Roses Among the Vines. In 2021, Mancuso achieved Master Circle Status with The International Association of Pastel Societies and is a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America. Mancuso holds membership with The California Art Club, Laguna Beach Plein Air Painters and The Southern California Pastel Society. He has received many distinguished awards in juried exhibitions. His paintings are part of private collections internationally.  

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